
Carrots are full of phytochemicals, such as beta-carotene, that your body converts to vitamin A, which helps with vision — especially at night. Studies also associate consumption of carotenoid-containing foods, like carrots, with a decreased risk of breast cancer. Carrots contain vitamins K and C, as well as potassium. The fiber contents of carrots can also help you meet your daily fiber needs.


Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable related to cabbage, kale and cauliflower that gets its healthy rep due to the fact that it’s high in micronutrients, including vitamins C, A and K. In fact, one half cup of raw, chopped broccoli provides 43% of the daily value of vitamin C.


Mushrooms are technically fungi and they come in many varieties that differ in shape, size, taste and color. The most commonly eaten mushrooms include shiitake, portobello, oyster and white mushrooms


Kale is among the the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. It's packed with a variety of vitamins like A, B6, C and K, plus minerals like potassium, calcium, copper and magnesium that are often lacking in a majority of diets.


Turnips, a type of root vegetable, come in a variety of colors from purple to red and green. Both their roots and leaves, also known as "turnip greens," are safe to eat. Rich in fiber and micronutrients including vitamin C, folate and potassium


If you’re looking to add more color to your diet, bell peppers are the perfect choice. Not only are they versatile, but they are excellent sources of vitamins A and C, potassium and fiber. In addition, bell peppers contain bioactive compounds like phenols, flavonoids and carotenoids that exhibit antioxidant properties to help fight against disease in the body. One red bell pepper provides about 169% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for vitamin C


Asparagus is a natural diuretic and acts as a prebiotic, feeding healthy gut bacteria. The stalks contains an abundance of vitamins such as B9 (also known as folate), vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin K. In fact, just half a cup of cooked asparagus, contains 134 micrograms of folate, a nutrient that is vital during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects.


If you haven't noticed, cauliflower is all the rage these days. Swapping spuds for cauliflower is an easy way to sneak in extra vitamin C (one cup contains almost 100% of your daily recommended amount), vitamin K, potassium, vitamin B6, folate and plant-based omega-3s to your meal.


Green beans are a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber and they get their bright green color from the antioxidant chlorophyll.


Beets are an antioxidant-packed, anti-inflammatory vegetable that's been shown in research to have positive effects on metabolic disorders, including hypertension and insulin resistance. They’ve also gained popularity lately due to recent research indicating the nitrates found in beetroot juice may improve athletic performance.